How does Blogger Mobile work?
You send a message - which can be a photo, some text, or both - to We take care of the rest.
Here's how to start a mobile blog:
- Go to the Settings | Mobile and email tab on your blog.
- Click Add a mobile device.
- In the pop-up window that appears, you’ll see a verification code in the yellow box. If you have a non-US phone number or wish to post pictures, email the code to If your phone doesn’t support MMS, you can text the code to 256446 (BLOGGR). Once you send this verification code via text, you can start posting by texting your posts to the same number.
What types of messages can I send to Blogger Mobile from my phone?
MMS, SMS, or Email - note this doesn't include email sent from a mobile device that actually passes through a webmail gateway (such as mail sent from your
account from your phone).Photos are currently limited to 250K each. If they exceed that size, you'll receive a bounce message letting you know so you can try again with a smaller picture. Note that your phone (or carrier) might have size limits of its own.
Mobile providers' standard rates for sending and receiving text and photo messages apply. Blogger won't charge you for any of its services.
Text messaging-enabled mobile device with a text messaging plan. This service is free from Google but charges from your carrier for usage may apply.
Text messaging-enabled mobile device with a text messaging plan. This service is free from Google but charges from your carrier for usage may apply.
- To cancel text message replies, text STOP to BLOGGR
- To unlink your device from Blogger, text UNREGISTER to BLOGGR. You are free to then register with another blog if you wish.
- For more information, send the keyword HELP to BLOGGR (256447)
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