Have you recently applied to get your Blogger blog monetized by the popular Google Adsense but finding it difficult adding the verification code to your Blogger blog <head> section? By simply copying the verification code as provided by Google and pasting below <head> section of your Blogger template code will give you an error informing you that async requires an = sign. In order to correct this and make sure the verification code is successfully added to the <head> section of your Blogger template code, do the following;
- Copy the Google Adsense code as provided when you applied to use Adsense to monetize your Blogger powered blog and paste in notepad or any other HTML editing program. The code will look something like the one displayed below.
<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-0123456789",
enable_page_level_ads: true
- Now replace the async as shown in RED text above with async='async' so that your verification code should now look like the one shown below. Notice the change from async to async='async' in the below code.
<script async='async' src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-0123456789",
enable_page_level_ads: true
- Copy the new adjusted verification code to the <head> section of your Blogger template code and then finally Save it. With that done, you will notice that the error message will no longer appear just as it did when you tried to just use it as was provided by Google.
Note: Please do not copy the verification code as provided above to use in verifying your Blogger blog. Use the one provided when you applied for an Adsense account.
We all have private files or folders on our computer that we don’t want any other party to have access to. Most users try to right click on files or folders and then change their properties by checking on hidden attribute but the disadvantage of this is that the file or folder can still be access through search and another user can also unhide it. Though some people uses software that hide their files but today, I want to share a simple and easy way to hide the files on your computer using Command Prompt.
With this simple trick, no one will be able to find the file(s) or folder(s) you hide unless they know the folder name. So with this method your files or folders are safe. Make sure you save the name of the folder or file in a private place.
How to Add Files on Your Computer without Using Any Software
First go to your computer C drive and create a new folder with the name JustNaira. To hide JustNaira folder on your computer, follow the steps below:
How to Hide JustNaira Folder on Your Computer
1. Launch your run command by pressing WIN+R on your keyboard.
2. Type cmd and click Ok or press enter on your keyboard.
3. A command prompt will appear, now type attrib +s +h C:\JustNaira the press enter. Note that if the folder or file name as a space in between e.g. Just Naira Folder, then you will write the code as attrib +s +h C:\”Just Naira Folder”
Now check C drive on your computer and you will no longer see JustNaira folder.
How to Un-Hide JustNaira Folder on Your Computer
1. Press WIN+R for the run command box
2. Type cmd and press enter for the command prompt window.
3. Now type “attrib -s -h C:\JustNaira” and press enter.
You will notice the only different between hiding any file(s) or folder(s) is the plus+ and Minus- sign.
If the file or folder you want to hide is in another drive such as D, E, ……., just change the C in the code to the drive letter.
Now create another folder in your computer with your name to try this trick again. Use the comment box below to share your result. You can also share this post with friends to keep their private data safe.